The Greek Holocaust: 1915-1922
111 min | Spoken Languages
65% English and 35% Greek
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Prof. Paul Kapetanopoulos
2022 was the
Centennial Remembrance (100 Years)
This documentary interviews survivors of the modern day genocide of 1.5 million Greeks from the Pontos and Micra Asia (Asia Minor) regions of modern day Turkey.
On September 8, 1922 the Muslim Ottoman Turks committed the first case of modern day genocide and ethnic cleansing. It began with the genocide of over one million Armenian Christians around 1915. Between 1915 and 1922 over 350,000 Greek Orthodox Christians of the Pontos and up to 1,500,000 Greek Orthodox Christians of Micra Asia were exterminated by forced death marches and burnings. Holocaust, which comes from the Greek word "olokaftoma," means total consumption by fire.
We hope that the survivors who share their memories and stories of unspeakable pain will help the world remember this grotesque crime. With the 100th year anniversary, we honor the remembrance of the horror of the Greek holocaust and offer this film as a memorial to the Greek Orthodox victims of the Pontos and Micra Asia.
Written, produced and hosted by Prof. Paul Kapetanopoulos.